KAREN K's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Oct 31, 2023 at 3:33 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tom! I know @ r age, we r just glad to have another birthday! Here’s wishing many,many more birthdays for U????
Happy Birthday Dear Rosemary! AND wishing U many,many more! Hope U have a marvelous day! Love U, Karen
Happy,Happy Birthday Dear Friend! My dad always said,”If you consider the alternative, I’ll take another birthday!” I agree! Hope your day is wonderful! Love Ya,Girl!
Posted on: Jul 04, 2020 at 1:21 PM
Happy Birthday Kim! Hope u have a great day! Also, Happy Independence Day!
Posted on: Jun 25, 2020 at 7:48 PM
Happy Birthday Pam! Hope you have had a great day! Miss you & Bart and all our fun times together! SO SAD about reunion being cancelled! WAS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING EVERYBODY! Tell Bart & Sam “Hello” from me! AGAIN—-hope you had a wonderful day! Love Ya! Karen (&Clark)
Posted on: Apr 01, 2020 at 10:38 AM
Hey girl! Happy,Happy Birthday! Was thinking last night about all the great things in our growing up years! Especially both of our wonderful sets of parents & the long,deep friendship they also shared! SO glad they are all up in HEAVEN dancing streets of gold today and not having to go thru all of what’s happening in our world today! I pray you&Steve are safe & doing well! Miss you,girl! Love ya tons! Karen
Hey Birthday “twin”! SO glad to b celebrating another birthday! (especially if u consider the alternative!) I remember seeing “Happy 18th Birthday Jill Heft & Karen Boone” up on the sign over @ the burger place across the street from the school! Never did find out who called that in......but it was cool to see it up that morning when we arrived @ school! I have thought about you often over the February 19ths....Hope to see you @ the big 50th reunion this Oct! Have a great birthday today! Love You! Karen Boone Driscoll (ATL, GA)
Cell ph: 678-777-5516
Posted on: Oct 20, 2019 at 3:29 PM
SO glad ur n the South! Love getting to see u so often! These last almost 18yrs have been so fun spending time w/u&Steve! Love all the beach trips & quite a few New Year’s Eves also! Clark & I really value ur friendship! Hope u have an awesome birthday today&have a tasty beverage for me—-I’m getting ready to drive back home from the farm. (We had to stay an xtra day to get stuff done before Clark heads back to Germany again!) Tim was here Fri & Sat—-can’t believe he will soon b 20 yrs old! Tell Steve HELLO from us????
Happy Birthday, Virginia! I’m n DC today....what awesome memorials goin on today! My husband has worked @ the Pentagon for many years.....but he was actually home in Georgia that day as he was supposed to fly to Tampa@1pm that day for meetings that wk@McDill AFB. What a blessing that ended up being for us that day! We will never forget!
My adult kids have all texted today saying it only seems like yesterday,not 18yrs ago.
SO glad to know this date is your birthday, now I will always have a good thing to think about on future 9/11. Hope you had a great day today!
Happy Bday Victoria! Think of u often! Between us, we were the babboone ?? Hope to see u @ next yrs 50th reunion!
Hey Richadene! I think of u often when I watch gymnastic events! Jr.Hi @ Marshall was so much fun w/you & Karen Dumford and of course Coach Love. Every time I hear “Monday, Monday” by Moma&the Papas, I think of those EARLY morning practices! I never was a morning person&can’t believe I ever made it to all those O’dark:30 gymnastic practices! Hope to see you @ the 50th reunion!
Hey Barb! Hope u had a great bday yesterday! I was thinking about you last wknd as my whole family was in Dallas,Texas. My husband’s 91 yr old dad went home to Jesus & the funeral was a wonderful “Home Going” celebration! I always think of you when we are in Texas. Wished I’d known u were in Houston. My husband’s sister lives in Sugar Land & we have been there many times (3 X’s in the last yr!) I will try to remember your there on our next trip out. Have texted back&forth w/Bert Benson Barrett who is now living in Waco,TX. Hope to get to see her&Brad one of these Texas trips also! Will look forward to seeing you next year @ the 50th reunion!